Our Product

Our company can provide street maps as well as pre plans for large buildings. We have two styles of maps to choose from - line streets or solid streets. To run our maps on your computer, there is no special program to buy and our maps are inter-connected so you can go from map page to map page. And our mapping program is very user friendly.

  Our demo   click here     Lined Streets   click here
  Our Information Packet   click here     Solid Streets   click here
Some of the highlights of our mapping process:
  • Maps will remain on file in our database, so that changes and up-dates are easily processed.
  • Street addresses are color coordinated to match the street names.
  • Streams, lakes and ponds are shown for water supply, direction of flow and draft sites.
  • Sprinkler and standpipe connections can be shown.
  • Gas and electric shut-off can be shown on large buildings.
  • Key boxes can be shown as to their approximate location.
  • Adjacent map page numbers are displayed which enables the user to find the next map easily.
  • If you have known invalids or handicapped individuals in your district it can be noted on their address.
  • And let’s not forget the safety of your own emergency responders. Buildings which are known to house hazardous materials can be designated as such, so emergency responders are aware of the hazards before they reach the scene.

What kind of information should we have on our maps?

You should have hydrants or drafting sites and addresses on the streets. We like to put the first addresses (both sides of the street) and the last addresses.

Are the maps to a scale?

No, we make our maps directional maps. By that we mean going from point A to point B. When you use a scale the maps (depending on the area) get very small and hard to read.

How do you get the information to put on the maps?

You supply the information, no one knows their own district like your own firefighters. If they have to go collect information then they will learn a lot about their own fire district.

How will we receive the information on the maps?

We will draw the streets and put in any information that you can supply at that time, this will be Draft # 1. You will review Draft #1 and add or delete information. Then send Draft # 1 back to us and we will make the corrections as you indicated. We will then send you a Draft # 2 which you will review and make any minor corrections. Draft # 2 is usually 99% correct. We will ask you to sign off on the Draft # 2 and return it to us. Then we will print your maps with a high quality printer and send them to you.


Copyright 2009. Digital Direction, Inc.